Cardarine Dosage: How to Achieve Rapid Fat Loss Safely!

Exploring the optimal Cardarine dosage is crucial for athletes and bodybuilders looking to enhance their endurance and fat-burning capabilities without compromising their health.

This article delves into the various Cardarine dosages, providing insights and guidelines to help you achieve the best results safely.

Cardarine Dosage featured image

Cardarine is not classified as a SARM, which means it does not interact with androgen receptors in the body.

It’s actually a PPAR.

Many assume that this absence of Testosterone suppression allows for liberal dosing of Cardarine.

If you’re looking for info on the famous endurance drug, we have a full review of Cardarine (GW-501516).

Overview of Cardarine

Despite these assumptions, excessive amounts of Cardarine can adversely affect liver enzymes and potentially lead to liver fibrosis if not managed carefully.

This guide provides insights into the proper use of Cardarine to maximize benefits while minimizing risks.

Half-Life of Cardarine

Cardarine has been studied extensively, with administration typically occurring once daily. Research confirms the half-life of Cardarine in humans to be about 24 hours, supporting daily dosing for optimal effects.

Cardarine Dosage in Clinical Trials

Human trials and studies have generally used dosages ranging from 2.5 mg to 10 mg per day, with these amounts showing high tolerance and no significant side effects among participants.

Safety concerns with cardarine

Safety Concerns with Cardarine

In 2007, a controversial study by GlaxoSmithKline on rats suggested a potential for tumor development at high doses of Cardarine, causing the firm to halt its development.

However, this study has been criticized on several grounds, and further research points to Cardarine’s potential anti-cancer properties.

Bulking Cycle with Cardarine

Cardarine is often used alongside SARMs for bulking, due to its synergistic effects.

A common bulking stack includes RAD140 and Cardarine, typically at 20 mg and 15 mg per day, respectively, across an eight-week cycle.

cutting cycle with cardarine

Cutting Cycle with Cardarine

For cutting, Cardarine is frequently combined with Ostarine, another SARM, at dosages of 20 mg of Cardarine and 25 mg of Ostarine daily. This combination typically does not require post-cycle therapy (PCT).

Cardarine Dosage without PCT

For those seeking to avoid PCT, Cardarine can be used solo. A simple regimen involves 15 mg daily for bulking or 20 mg daily for cutting, sufficient for noticeable fat loss and muscle retention without additional SARMs.

Optimal and Safe Cardarine Dosages

Cardarine is well-received in dosages up to 10 mg daily, proven safe across several studies. While some may opt for lower doses, 10 mg daily is effective for most, including women under certain conditions.

Cardarine dosage conclusion


Cardarine stands out for enhancing endurance, with a well-documented safety profile and effectiveness in both bulking and cutting cycles.

Always source Cardarine from reputable companies to ensure quality and effectiveness.


What is the dosage for Cardarine?

10-20mg per day.

For general, safe consumption, users can take 10mg. For cutting, 20mg. For bulking 15mg.

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